Kate Phelps
Credentials: Ph.D.
Position title: 4W Director of Creative Embodiment and Embodi-mentoring
Email: kphelps@wisc.edu
Dr. Kate Phelps is a lecturer in the Gender and Women’s Studies department. She teaches body politics, fat studies, feminist theory, and introductory gender studies courses. Her research interests are at the nexus of body politics, gender, embodied experience, and feminist praxis. Her work leading and facilitating body mapping workshops creates space and opportunity for people to explore their embodiment in playful, powerful, and transformative ways. She is passionate about participatory action research and creating communities in which people can be present to their own body narratives and the body narratives of others. Her workshops are centered around cultivating compassionate care for the self and for communities and rendering real that which may go unseen or unspoken in embodied experience. Her focus on embodi-mentoring embraces the nonlinearity of living in a body, and facilitates exploration between and among initiation, growth, compassion, and liberation in embodiment narratives.
Affiliations: Department of Gender and Women’s Studies