Nepal Design & Product Development Intern

Andares del Arte Popular Artisan Gallery Team Intern

Days for Girls Outreach Intern in Ghana

Health By All Means Community Health Outreach Intern in Kenya


4W internships complement students’ curriculum by facilitating real world experiences related to gender equity and wellbeing, both on the UW campus and at our internship sites around the world. All of our internships receive an hourly wage or honorarium as compensation, along with mentoring and support from members of the 4W Leadership Circle. Our international summer internships are carried out in partnership with UW- Madison’s International Internship Program (IIP). Made possible by private gifts and a partnership with the Women’s Philanthropy Council, these internships allow students to work with 4W projects around the world to make a difference while developing important leadership and job skills. Eventually, we hope to support 20 undergraduate internships per year in alignment with our growing activities and partnerships.

2018 Days for Girls intern Anna Cash in Ghana.
2018 Days for Girls intern Anna Cash in Ghana.

Learn more about 4W internship experiences here.

International Internship Opportunities

Undergraduate interns worked with the Women’s Education Project led by UW alumna Zoe Timms to interview, collect stories, and teach storytelling workshops to women in the “I am a Leader” workshop in Madurai, India.

• Krytal Du (in India) and Kayla Hui (in NYC) (2017)

Photo of 2017 intern Krystal Du in India.
Photo of 2017 intern Krystal Du in India.

Internships in Nepal have been led by 4W Leader Jennifer Angus and have focused on promoting microenterprise among women artisans creating fair trade crafts in Kathmandu, Nepal. Interns have worked with several local organizations including Sabah Nepal, Association for Craft Producers, Pia Nepal, and Tharu Cultural Museum to teach design and marketing skills to small, women-run craft producers.

• Ibtisam Ul Haq and Luisa Garcia-Gomez (2017) • Autumn Brown, Corinn Ebel, Kat Eberley, Emily Lesch, Mitchell Rose, Jennifer Schlavensky, and
Yenchen Xiong (2018)
• Sam Anglehart, Yuqi Jiang, Josie Madden, Jany
Vang, and Salina Xiong (2019)

Katherine Eberly in Nepal in 2018
Katherine Eberly in Nepal in 2018
Emily Lesch in Nepal in 2018.
Emily Lesch in Nepal in 2018.

Students in Mexico have worked under 4W Leader Carolyn Kallenborn as part of an artisan gallery team for the local gallery, Andares del Arte Popular.

• Dakota Mace and Elsa Wastian (2018) • Sophia Downs (2019)

Elsa Wastian in Mexico in 2018.
Elsa Wastian in Mexico in 2018.

Under the guidance of 4W Leader Mary Crave, students have assisted with community health outreach related to feminine menstrual hygiene for the organization Days for Girls Ghana.

• Anna Cash and Aberdeen Leary (2018)
• Samantha Lettenberger and Anusha Naik (2019)

Photo from Aberdeen Leary's 2018 internship in Ghana.
Photo from Aberdeen Leary’s 2018 internship in Ghana.

Interns in Kenya have worked with 4W Leader Araceli Alonso and her project, Health by All Means.

• Caitlin Attaway, Olivia Gonzalez, Vasuad Kapoor, and Emily Paltzer (2019)

Photo from 2019 Kenya "Health By All Means" intern, Caitlin Attaway.
Photo from 2019 Kenya “Health By All Means” intern, Caitlin Attaway.

Under 4W Leader Jennifer Angus, interns worked on artisan design and marketing for local partner Sumak Muyo.

• Jake Streeck and Patrick Rath (2019)

2019 interns Patrick Rath and Jake Streeck in Ecuador.
2019 interns Patrick Rath and Jake Streeck in Ecuador.

UW-Madison Campus Opportunities

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

The Artisan Collective

Students engage with our artisan partners around the world from Madison through the undergraduate student organization, The Artisan Collective (formerly Wisconsin Without Borders Marketplace). Led by faculty advisor Janet Nieworld, this organization creates links between community members, UW-Madison students and educators, and artisan partners in Ecuador, Mexico, and Nepal. Student leaders focus on developing and supporting sustainable business plans and monitoring inventory and sales of products through the online store, Student Directors include:
• Hannah Miller and Ashley Summers (2018-19) • Bridget Motiff and Anna Whisler (2019-20)
• Savannah Byers and Tailor Eilers (2020-21)

Photos of 2020 products from the Artisan Collective.
Photos of 2020 products from the Artisan Collective.

4W Directorate Internships

The 4W Initiative supports student hourly internships for UW-Madison undergraduates who are interested in gaining entry-level nonprofit experience and learning about gender equity and wellbeing. 4W Directorate Internships can be used for course credit and help students gain skills in communications, social media management, graphic design, administration, fundraising and development, and event planning. 4W Interns who have helped our work to thrive include:
• Brooke Wilczewski, 4W Communications and Administrative Intern (2020-21)
• Olivia Anderson, 4W Communications and Social Media Intern (2018-19 and 2019-20)
• Natalie Worcestor, 4W Development and Programming Intern (2019-20)
• Colleen Whitley, 4W Development and Program Support Intern (2018-19)
• Caroline Matkom, 4W Administrative Intern (2018-19)

NOW HIRING: 4W Event Planning & Development Intern

We are seeking an undergraduate student hourly to be our 4W Event Planning & Development Intern! This student will assist with 4W events and learn about development, fundraising, and nonprofit management! Click here to learn more and apply. Applications are due Sunday, February 21, 2021.

Intern Testimonials

“Interacting with these women has helped me become more aware of my own culture and Kenyan culture, thereby enhancing my cultural intelligence-an important skill in the field of global health. I am so grateful for the scholarship that funded this unparalleled opportunity and the support that the 4W Initiative provides the Nikumbuke-Health by All Means (N-HbAM) community.” – Vasuda Kapoor, Health by All Means Kenya, Summer 2019.




“Not only have I seen the inner-workings of a microbusiness and been able to develop solutions for the problems they face, but I’ve also improved my Spanish immensely.” – Jake Streeck of his experience in Ecuador working with the artisan organization Sumak Muyu.

“I have been able to see firsthand the problems they and their community face and, together with them, generate solutions that work towards lasting improvements.” -Jake Streeck, Sumak Muyu Ecuador, Summer 2019.


UW-Madison students meet with women from Sumak Muyo during their course, “Wellbeing Through Microenterprise and Environmental Stewardship in Ecuador,” initiated in January 2019 and co-led by GAI leader Jennifer Angus.

“This funding helped me achieve my goals [including] gaining…deeper cultural opinions on menstrual health and learning how to successfully promote well-being, health and hygiene in a constructive and meaningful way!” – Anna Cash, Days for Girls Ghana, 2018.