Sally Perret is an Associate Professor of Spanish at Salisbury University and co-translator with José Bañuelos-Montes of two anthologies: Voces de la Resistencia / Voices of Resistance: A Bilingual Anthology of AfroColombian Women Poets (2021) and Poetryfighters, dir. Marcos de la Fuente (2022). Their translations have also appeared in journals such as, Idendiades órfas, English Studies in Latin America: Journal of Cultural and Literary Criticism, and Tupelo Quarterly. She is the co-director of the collective translation group 4W-WIT and was one of the principal translators of Montañas, and three or four ríos: Antología Bilingüe, dirs. Sarli E. Mercado and Lori Diprete Brown (2022).
La prisionera se hace traidora: Las categorias politicas y la mirada refractada en Esos cielos de Bernardo Atxaga. Volumen sobre Bernardo Atxaga. Editorial Anthropos.