Jan Miyasaki
Credentials: JD
Position title: 4W Director of Legal Advocacy and Support
Email: jan@respectmadison.com
Phone: (608) 890-3346
304 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Dr, Madison, WI 53706
Jan Miyasaki is the Director of Project Respect, a Dane County, Wisconsin-based social service agency that provides services to adults and juveniles victimized in sex trafficking and prostitution. She holds a J.D. from Marquette University Law School and is an ad hoc faculty member in Ethnic Studies at the U.W. Madison. Miyasaki has led the discussion in Wisconsin to promote an understanding of issues faced by sexually exploited women. In 2019, Miyasaki received grants from the U.S. Department of Justice, State of Wisconsin Department of Justice, and Dane County to expand specialized services to victims of human trafficking including intensive case management, mental health counseling, vocational development, crisis response, legal advocacy, and system’s coordination.
Affiliations: Asian American Studies; Project Respect, STREETS Project